The best thing, of course, was meeting some of the wildly creative and generous women I have known through the quilting forum for years.
I also enjoyed the quiet soak in the hot tub and time spent by the pool on Friday afternoon.

It was fun to go check out the 3 Dudes Quilt Shop across the street . . . with the added excitement of a bank robbery in the same shopping center.

I really enjoyed Hilda's much-touted lemon curd and scones.

I was inspired by many of the great projects I saw around me. I want some bags like these that Linda "Poo" made.

I want to try Cat's tip for making pieced jackets.

I want to check out the QuiltSmart foundations for making a Lone Star–Kathi bought the fabrics and finished this one while at the retreat.

I want to try Hilda's setting for some crumb-pieced blocks.

I want to find this pattern that Kim tested.

I'll post the link to the official Show & Tell photos when it's available. In case you are wondering, I did accomplish some quilting myself. I finished up using the last of the donated I-Spy Snowballs from the Block Lotto crowd. Hilda and Pat are going to quilt them and donate them for me. Yay! I also took two adult bed quilts and gave them to Linda "Hoo" to quilt and donate to her charity.
Here are the I-spy Snowball Quilts.

You can see all of my snaps from the weekend in my Flicker set 2009 AZ Retreat.