It was a phrase I heard a lot yesterday and one I truly tried to embrace–because I know it's true. But after getter soaked three times, it became a little bit harder: first I got caught in a downpour when I was just a few blocks from the office in the morning on my walk to work. Later, during an informal tour, it was still coming down and I got really drenched again, when I was walking between buildings and crossing the street in a downpour . . . and it was still raining when I went out to get some lunch.
I had a big umbrella and it helped . . . a lot. But my nicely starched and pressed linen pants were soaked from the thighs down before I got to the office (and again and again) and so I wasn't anything close to neatly pressed. And, even though I had taken special care in the morning and even pulled out the flat iron to ward off the humidity-inspired frizz, at the end of the day, when I met a an old friend for dinner who happened to be in town–someone I hadn't seen for almost 10 years–I felt like my hair looked a lot like Alice's, from Dilbert.

Except in my case, there were no curls, just frizz that created my pyramid-shaped do.
Dinner was great, though, and my friend was so distracted by my "blonde" hair so much that I don't think that my crazy frizzy Alice like hair made that much of an impression. (She said I looked great as a "blonde"–aren't old friends the best?)