A friend kindly asked today if it wasn't better than the bitter cold of winters in Michigan–lately, I'm less sure.
This morning, my goal was to get to the Farmer's Market, run errands and get back home before the temperature made it to 100. I made it–when I got home and put everything away, it was only (only!) 94.
I don't think I'm the only one with this mindset–the Farmer's Market near me was bustling this morning and lots of people were talking about the weather.
We don't have AC here in upper MI. And we don't need it. It's been beautiful high 70's to low 80's for weeks. Our cabin is in the woods and never as warm as outside. Even Lake Superior is warm enough for me to swim! Well, that's in our shallow beach on the shores of Whitefish Bay -- not exactly typical temps for Lake Superior!
Yup, you have to love being a snow bird. UP of MI in the summer, FL in the winter, LOL!
It's brutal and there doesn't seem to be any end to it. Saw in the news that the drought may continue into next year. It's been devastating on farm and ranches.
For the 1st time ever, we are starting to talk about a house in some cooler climate for the summer.
I know it's hot but it's got to beat the hell out of Michigan weather all-around.
I can't imagine that it's STILL that hot! Here's hoping for a cold snap.
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