Saturday, July 04, 2009


And for fun ... here's a Blogthings test to find out if you're Red, White or Blue. My result:

You Are Blue

You are a highly tolerant and peaceful person. You have a lot of compassion and respect for people.

You love that the USA is a country with many different people. You may not agree with what everyone believes, but you agree with their right to believe it.

You look for the common bonds that Americans share. You rather unite than divide people.

You'd like to see more understanding and less fighting. You find it hard to stomach politics.


floribunda said...

I'm happy to say I'm blue, too!

Gail in Vegas said...

I'm red (and proud of it)!

You are a highly passionate person, and you'd stand up and fight for anything you believe in.
You're a lot like the founders of the United States. You are a bit of a revolutionary.

Like most modern Americans, you are have things you love and hate about the USA ... and you're not afraid to say what they are.
Keep expressing your opinion and acting to fix what's wrong. People like you are what makes the USA great.

Rian said...

Red! Better red than dead...wait a minute, I think it was better dead than red. Oh well.

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