After wrapping up at the casita where I lived all summer and finishing up my contract, I came home and enjoyed breakfast as late lunch (or early dinner?) on the terrace of my new home and sat and read a bit closer to the end of a one of those books you enjoy and don't want to end.
Look who decided to join me.
I left the door from the bedroom open to see what would happen. Grace was first to discover it, wander out, and walk around, meowing loudly, until her brother came to join her.
They wandered out and then back in and then out again to chase a bug (unfortunately a wasp) and then in and then out . . .
I hoped it would be a while before they jumped onto the wall (and possibly beyond to the roof) ... but I knew that whenever the inevitable happened, Grace Hopper would be the first . . . and Johnny Be Good would soon follow her ... and as I was typing this, guess which brave kitty was first to leap without knowing what she'd fid on the other side?

Monkey see, monkey do.