Friday, August 31, 2012

Changing Gears

Today is my last day of my contract at the job that brought me here--as you can tell from my calendar I finished a week early. .

The last day of my lease at the adobe casita is also today. I've turned in my keys and I am ready to begin whatever is next for me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


lj_cox said...

Sending hopeful vibes your way, wishing you good things going forward on your path. It seems like you just got in to Santa Fe; how has it been that long?

Linda in Arkansas said...

Good luck with your changes! It must feel nice to be closing this chapter in your life and moving on. I agree it seemed to go by really fast.

sophie said...

The last four months have really flown by. While neither the job nor the casita was great, I am optimistic for the future, in a new place (with room to sew!) and--if all goes well--working on a new project.

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