I've never seen anything like it, but neither have I ever thought about how one would gently move a bunch of red chile ristras. It seemed pretty ingenious to me.
I was on my way to the Farmer's market at the Rail Yard. I thought maybe he was, too, but soon after I took this photo, he headed in another direction.
Here's a better look at what he was towing behind him.

I plan to buy a my own big 25 pound bag, have them roasted when I have time to peel them, seed them and freeze them, but in the meantime, I bought a small bag of some that are ready to use.
Here are some photos from my morning:
After I filled my tote with heirloom tomatoes, leeks, broccolini, plums, basil, summer squash, zucchini, rutabagas, eggs, 2 kinds of locally made goat cheese, walnut bread (perfect for one of the cheeses) and the best balm/lotion I've found since moving to the high desert. When my shopping was done, I had a late breakfast at the nearby Flying Star Cafe... then came home to start re-arranging my new studio space (again.)