Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Design Wall Tuesday ... Tulips in September

I couldn't share this yesterday because it's the September block for the Block Lotto and had to be kept secret until today.

This block looks like a traditional block, but when I went looking in Brackman's Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns, I couldn't find it, so I am just calling it Tulip.  I had fun playing with the different ways one could scrappify it.

You can find my block directions and fabric guidelines for the Block Lotto this month in this post:

Think Spring (!?) in September

If this block appeals to you, it's easy to jump into the Block Lotto and play along (and maybe win a pile of blocks).

I am belatedly joining the list for yesterday's Design Wall Monday.


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

this is a fun block! I have a quilt, in the state of UFO, with tulips. I need a serious UFO push.........I could get to Alpha Centauri

Linda in Arkansas said...

I love these! I want to make some - I just don't know that I have time.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, as I would have thought that block would be in Brackman's book. I know I've seen other patterns similar, but maybe nothing with the skinnier middle strips? My friend made one, but it was a 2.5" center. Your blocks are gorgeous. I really hope to be able to make some this month!

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