Yesterday afternoon, I needed to do something completely different and resurrected an old idea/pattern for a set of abstracted alphabet blocks.
Rather than making a set of letters, organized alphabetically–which would make some of the more abstracted ones easier to "see," I decided to piece a few words. These are the ones that popped into my head.
I used part of a layer cake for the letters and a neutral solid (that admittedly contrasts better with some prints in the collection than with others).
I like what I see, but do you see what I see and can you read this?
Joining the list for WIP Wednesday on Freshly Pieced.
hmmm, eat, pray, love, dream? Love the colors, and that it's not immediately evident that the blocks are letters
I got..eat, pray, love but missed dream. I hope I don't miss 'dream' in my real life! I don't know that I would have recognized them as letter blocks without help from you though.
Very cool! Are you still in town? I could use some quilting advice!
I didn't look at the comments before I tried to decipher. It took awhile for me. If you hadn't told me the blocks were words I would not have known.
I saw love first and then pray. The "Y" in pray still doesn't seem very obvious to me when I look at that area separately so my brain must have seen pra and filled in the y automatically. I had to study dream for a bit and then I really had to look at eat for quite awhile to figure that out.
I can see eat, love and dream; can't figure out the second one though. The V in love threw me but I knew the word was love.
I do enjoy piecing letters. Weren't you a part of the Liberated Quilts with Tonya?
I got the "eat, pray, love" right away, probably because of Elizabeth Gilbert's book, but I kept trying to make the fourth word "peace" until it finally revealed itself as "dream". A very interesting exercise -- made me wonder what if we could have a letter block for Block Lotto some month. Maybe make a word any length up to 9 letters??
I got love.
Love and eat came first, then dream and finally pray, but I still wasn't sure about that one. I think this is great!
I can read them all but only got love in the context of the other words as it looks like lote
I finally figured it out - eat pray love dream - and yes, I like the concept but many, many folks who glance at the quilt will simply walk away rather than trying to figure it out. That should not stop you if this has meaning for YOU ... after all, it is YOUR quilt!
I saw eat and dream. Wasn't sure what lote was or prag was. Not sure why, but eat was my favorite.
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