Because four of them have been hanging out there for a while, waiting for June to arrive ... except until a couple nights ago, the three in the middle were re-made in different colors.
you can click any of the individual photos for a larger image. Obviously, I started with one idea for the color guidelines for this month's liberated basket blocks and then changed my mind ... and as much as I dislike ripping apart things and re-doing them, I liked the blocks enough to save them from the orphan pile and turn them into lotto blocks.

You can find my directions for making this block here:
Liberated Basket Block Step-by-Step

When a couple people were seemed to be struggling with the bias handles on the baskets, I tried to show my process, including swirling the handle, a technique I learned when making hats: the grosgrain ribbon used inside the hat is swirled so that it fits smoothly inside the hat and against your head. You can find those tips blogged here:
Vines & Handles: A Closer Look at Bias Strip Appliqué
One of the things I love about quilting is that there are a lot of ways to create the same block or quilt (or something that is very close). The Block Lotto is one way that I share my process for designing and making blocks. Modern technology makes it easy to share with friends and others when you can't show or teach something face-to-case. I love reading blog posts where authors show their processes and so I was happy to discover the process pledge:
Click the image to learn more and explore the list of those that have taken the pledge to show how they work.
Since this is Design Wall Monday over on Judy Laquidera's blog, I'll share the virtual design wall made from the photos of 30 of the blocks made for the block lotto so far. (As of this morning, 75 blocks have been made for this month). Design Wall Monday is another way in which quilters show a piece of their process–the work-in-progress on their design wall.
You can decide for yourself whether my decision tomake the handles and baskets of the blocks from red fabric was a good one.
IMO, the Process Pledge is aka writing interesting blogs about quilting. But that's a little too long (WIBAQ? Nah...) I followed your link and it's a great idea and lists some very sound questions to answer to generate interesting posts.
I love the red handles and bases on the baskets and thought it was a nice way to help the various baskets work and play well together.
p.s. The word verification was sconeepl; I figure that's some tasty church..
Red is good! Can't wait to see what my word is! LOL.
glen: oh what fun! inksi!
I believe that you made a sound decision to use the red. It really ties them together. Very Liberated and coming together many are you making?
These baskets are wonderful. The red looks great, and the gold and yellow backgrounds make the blocks glow.
Love your baskets! So colorful. Note to self: must get design wall...
Have a great day!
Love baskets and this is one colorful, fantastic quilt.
Gorgeous! I was just looking my liberated quilting book tonight. A basket quilt is definitely on my list and I just love these of yours.
Good luck with the move.
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