I'd been planning to add words to one of my works-in-project; someone dropped out of the group and there was an opening in the In Your Words Blog Hop. My design idea and words were a fit for the theme of revealing who you are or more about you and I asked if there was room for one more ...
The commitment (and deadline!) means it's more likely I'll get busy and FINISH it.
The little quilt project was one begun a year ago, when I signed up for Julie's Cotton Robin. Because the fabric I contributed for my quilt was one of two matching Michael Miller fabric sample headers, I decided to make two centers, send one with one set of the fabrics for the round robin and finish the other myself.

The starter fabrics are on the right and my Twins-Separated-at-Birth star blocks made from that crazy, not quite a stripe fabric at the bottom of the collection of fabrics are below.

And here is the round robin quilt I received, begun with the block on the right and completed by Laurina, Andra and Nan. I blogged about this quilt and the cotton robin last summer here: Revisiting the Cotton Robin. Julie has a few more spots, if you'd like to play in this medium (small quilts made by 4 quilters, details kept secret until the finished quilts are revealed). You can find details on the Cotton Robin blog.
That lovely quilt is a hard act to follow–more than once, I've wished I had finished my own sister quilt before I saw this one, but life, several moves and a couple of job changes got in my way.

What I've been up to so far is a bit of hand appliqué. Sometimes when life hands us lemons, a little handwork is just the sort of meditative activity we need ... to figure out how we're going to make lemonade.
I'm not sure this is working, but it's a start and I am hopeful that I can MAKE it work within the original guidelines of adding two borders. Come back on Friday, January 11 for my reveal in the In Your Words blog hop to see my finished Separated-at-Birth Twin quilt.
The strip of dot com fabric is an oldie but goodie from my stash, purchased not long after I began quilting. This is just about all I have left, but it's so perfect for the In Your Words theme that I had to include it.
Remember, if you'd like to participate in the next Cotton Robin, be sure to get in touch with Julie, ASAP.
I like the petals you've added, very pretty! Are the two loose ones edged with bias?
The loose ones will be sewn down to the next row. What looks like an edging is the edge of the large circle print from which the petal shapes were cut.
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