Saturday, February 16, 2013

Playing with Parts

When my Bernina died only 2 weeks after having it repaired, I just didn't feel like working on quilts and it's taken me a while to get back into the mood.

I've been playing with parts.  I made some mostly cream crumb fabric ... and turned it into hen blocks (based on some I had admired in the blog header image of the Polka Dot Chicken blog.) My hens still need eyes and combs.

Cream crumb made fabric Hen blocks from cream crumb made fabric

And then I pulled out the bin of black scraps and used some bigger chunks to make some larger squares ... maybe for a background for appliqué on my tea towel challenge?

Designing on the Wall

The layout may likely will change, but here are my parts and my progress on the tea towel challenge. I have a vintage damask tablecloth that I plan to play with next and add to the mix ...


Andra Gayle said...

Its going to be CUTE!

Paulette said...

I just know this is gonna be good! :)

lj_cox said...

Very cute chicks! Do they need eyes and combs? I like 'em as is!

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