Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Finish This! My Goal for a Lovely Finish in December

Remember this one?

Scrappy Broken Dishes Blocks

My goal for December is to make the missing scrappy orange blocks, decide upon an arrangement and sew the 121 blocks together into a quilt top.

For those curious about my personal saga, no, I still don't have heat at my house.  A replacement heating system was delivered and installed today, but ... it doesn't work. An electrical expert came and had no more luck and, at the end of a long day, I was told, "you have a broken boiler."  Which is exactly what I had before ... but different.

As a result of having the garage door at one of the studio open all afternoon and part of the evening as they ripped out the old (broken) system and installed the new (DOA) system is that the house is cooling down even faster ... I spent the day at the other end of the studio, huddled by an electric heater and my hands and feet are more like ice cubes than physical appendages now ... can I have some cheese with this wine?


BarbCarol said...

Brrrr....it's only 36 here in OK and thankfully an intact heating system. i have lived in Las Cruces and Albuquerque, so know your weather. Hope tomorrow will be warmer for you.

Mystic Quilter said...

You haven't lost your sense of humour re the cheese and wine statement, but don't know you're keeping sane!!
Anyway, your quilt is looking lovely and I hope you can fight through the pain issues and do a little sewing - are you feeling any better?

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Poor Sophie! You should see if the insurance company would cover a night at a hotel.

Jo said...

Oh you poor things. You might have to get some quilts out to sit under... It's still not fair

Frog Quilter said...

I already see a heart emerging in the quilt!!

Hate that you are without heat... Sending warming hugs.

Needled Mom said...

Oh dear.....that sounds like a chilly situation. I think I'd go for hot chocolate and cookies rather than cheese and wine. Brrr.

Barbara said...

Wow. It's gorgeous, Sophie. So sorry about your heating problem.

Terri said...

Love your quilt, Sophie. I hope all your troubles are resolved soon. Stay warm!

Sandy Panagos said...

Sounds like a big goal to me as busy as you are, but WOW what a gorgeous quilt! Hope your house warms up soon!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

You have to admit, the quilt definitely improves the hotel room! they should hire you to make one for ALL the rooms!

I am hoping you get heat tomorrow.....Or at least by the weekend!

Gretchen said...

Beautiful quilt! i hope you get a chance to finish it before the end of the month.

Anonymous said...

Yes! You deserve a whole wheel - you choose the kind. I can't believe you went through all that and there's more! I hope your rent doesn't go up to pay for it. =P That quilt is stunning laid out that way. I hope this is how you put it together. You have finished so many beautiful blocks, and this on top of your Mod quilt is a good year already.

Linda in Arkansas said...

I meant to post on here early this week and say - wow - this is so pretty. I think it will be quite a blast to put it all together. Have fun!!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Poor Baby! I hope that heater/broiler is now fixed.

Michele Matucheski said...

This quilt will be GORGEOUS when it's done! It's gorgeous even in this stage!

Your heating problem will be be solved shortly. At least you're not in Wisconsin with 0-degree temps. Hang in there!

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