Here's a better look at the quilt itself in a photo taken inside ... it goes without saying (I hope) that the quilt really isn't as wonky and wavy as it appears here.

The quilt is approximately 54-inches square.
The Kitty Homemaker redwork patterns are from Nancy Martin's book, Kitties to Stitch & Quilt: 15 Redwork Designs
, that was gifted to me just after I moved to Michigan to be close to my dad when he was ill in 2001. The gift was much appreciated as it gave me something to do while I sat with him in the hospital, during transfusions.
The Kitty Homemaker redwork patterns are from Nancy Martin's book, Kitties to Stitch & Quilt: 15 Redwork Designs
Here are detail photos of each of the two types of blocks in this quilt:

Doing things in a new way (while my computer was in the shop) was interesting. Using a combination of digital camera and iPad looked like it was going to work and, in fact, the WordPress app DID work and I was able to share this quilt (with January's Lotto Block pattern used for the double 9-patch blocks) on but ... BlogPress or otherwise posting here? Not so much.
I have mentioned in the in-progress posts about this quilt that it was a nice bit of serendipity that when I pulled out the fabrics put aside for this golden oldie UFO, that the happened to be Pantone's color of the year, marsala. It was good food-for-thought to think about how color trends repeat, change and morph.
I'm updating this blogpost to join the 2015 Pantone Quilt Challenge.