My results said I could be a giraffe or an elephant. In my youth, I probably was the giraffe--coincidentally, I used to collect them--but now, the somewhat underwhelming ... plain gray elephant seems a better fit.
Since first taking the Myers Briggs test a couple decades ago, I have seen the results for a couple characteristics shift over time. I attribute those changes to life experience. I wonder if others see those small changes in me (or in themselves) over time.
too funny -- I am either a fox or a penguin; I think the fox fits me better. I was going to try to manipulate the answers to turn myself into a sloth, but I'm too lazy...
I'm either a penguin or an owl. I wish I were an elephant, I love elephants.
That was pretty fun. I'm a gorilla.
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This is more interesting than Myers-Briggs. I'm an otter.
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