I put away some other projects that I knew would distract me, took everything that was on my design wall down, and pulled out some Christmas themed star blocks from Christine's swap last fall.
I pulled out the blocks and sorted them into a few groups:
Sawtooth Stars.

Blocks made from other patterns with white backgrounds

Reverse Blocks (white stars on dark backgrounds)

Margaret's Choice blocks (in which the star points sometime get lost.)

and blocks which don't have white squares in the corners.

I started with the last four, giving them white squares in the corners to make them a little more like the others.

Changing the corners created a duplicate. I ended up with two other matching blocks from the swap. I decided that I wanted all the blocks in my quilt to be unique . . . but these three could become an interesting tablerunner or throw pillows.

My original design idea was that I would put the blocks on-point and alternate white background and non-white background blocks, something like this. I would need 16 blocks with white backgrounds and 9 of the others.

I made the two white background blocks first. I liked the pinwheel shape in the Dewey's Victory block, so I decided to make more of those.

Here's the group of 16.

These were up on the design wall while I started work on the reverse star blocks. They started to grow on me set this way . . . except for the two blocks in the bottom corners which were not like the others.

So I turned them into Dewey's Victory blocks.

I made a couple Two-Patch Quilt blocks in white on red, but I may be shifting from my original plan. The end of my Quiltathon came at a good time. I need to think about it some more. Right now, some of the blocks are on the wall like this.

All in all, I made progress and maybe by the time of the next quiltathon, I'll have decided which way to go.
wow, you've been busy. I like what you are doing with these blocks - it's hard to work out how to use blocks sometimes when they don't quite match, etc, but I think being willing to take them apart and turn them into something different is a good idea.
I love the way you are working your way around your obstacles! I would have made more blocks, and thought that the others could have been used in another project. Now, I will look at my blocks differently! Thanks!
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