Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have no one but myself to blame ...

After looking at some photos I took of our first snow around my neighborhood yesterday, I have one of those insidious songs stuck in my heard.

Here's one of the photos.

And here's the song.

Of course, around here,  there's not a pink one, nor a blue one, nor a green one, nor a yellow one, and they're all made out of faux-adobe and they really do all look the same :-) 


lj_cox said...

*Laughing* I saw the photo and thought: "White Christmas! Yay!"

Linda in Arkansas said...

I thought White Christmas too! LOL I know that area wants to keep their houses looking the same, but for someone like me it's hard. I like being unique. Cute song, I've never heard it before. Where did you hear it?

floribunda said...

ah -- good ol' Malvina Reynolds! I saw her perform a couple of times when I was a kid -- my dad was a huge fan of all the 60's folksingers.

Suze said...

Hah...I remember listening to that song as a kid! Thanks for the memory.

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