I wanted to maintain the same basic diamond shape–the diamonds are used in another part of the quilt. I remembered this Little Daisy block that I had made earlier this year and thought it would work. I used the petal and center octagon templates for this block, which were intended for hand-piecing, to create paper shapes for EPP for my test.
If you are interested, you can download the Little Daisy templates from my Freebies page.
Here's my EPP test in progress, beside the original plan. As you can see, I'm also thinking the petals would look better scrappy and that the blue petals at the base (inspired by the traditional Carolina Lily block) don't work in the new shape. The stems and leaves will be blue on this red-blue-cream quilt.
I'm joining the linky party for Angie and Billie's Hexie Friday ... and hoping that those with experience with appliqué of EPP shapes will offer me some tips and/or advice about my idea.
I'm also joining the Weekend Update on the Block Lotto. (It's worth the click over, just to see what Linda's making from some colorful lotto blocks she won.)

Star Flower Tea Cozy - Done (but Far from Perfect)
looks like using the paper pieces is going to work for you.
Sophie, how about cutting the center hexie in half before you attach it to the four, then make a paper template for two diamonds and sew them to the center of the flower to resemble the one on left and sewn like EPP. And thanks for linking to It's a Hexie Friday!
Gorgeous Reds!
Oh Sophie I LOVE your hand pieced flowers! Anything in patriotic colors grabs me every time. :) Though I do see your dilemma as to appliqueing them to the background. I think you found a great solution.
Terri Coty
wonderful hexies and pp block!1
Either flower looks good. Maybe I missed something, but why couldn't the one on the left be pieced with paper pieces?
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