I have a couple small projects that I want to work on this month, but first, I want to finish the checkerboard picnic quilt which is my choice for a lovely finish in May.
I decided today to use the Instagram account I set up over a year ago to capture my progress. If you'd like to follow along, you can find me here or by searching for the hashtag #aLYoF for all the images tagged for a Lovely Year of Finishes.
I thought it would be a fun way for me to get into the Instagram habit.
You might have noticed in my photos of basting this quilt, that I placed the pins in the light squares ... to make it easy to quilt simple X's in the colored ones. I used the walking foot for this part. I didn't mark the diagonal line and it's not perfect ... but it is mostly close enough. It was interesting as I stitched to observe how the light blue thread seems to change color against the different colored squares–to my eye, the closer the fabric is to blue's complement orange, the grayer the thread color seems to me.
My plan is to lightly quilt the colored squares and to add a more dense free motion fill pattern in the cream-colored squares.
The piped binding I added to the cotton robin quilt is still in my head. I may add piping to the picnic quilt. If I add a dark binding (like the outside triangles), what color do you think the piping should be?
Here's the photo of the whole quilt for reference:
As soon as I typed the question, MY answer popped into my head ... can't wait to see if anyone suggests the same color.
Since it's already Wednesday in Australia, I'm linking to Esther's WOW link list. (WOW = WIPS on Wednesday)
Orange is what popped into my mind first. Then yellow. Both would show fabulously between the dark border and binding. So what color did you think of?
If you want the piping to be hardly noticable use one of the darker colors there in the HSTs. Personally, I'd use orange, but then I like a jazzy quilt... nothing subdued about the quilts I make. (Of course, the hexie I've just started will be pink, yellow and lime green - is that subdued?)
I think just about any color piping would look nice against the dark border and binding. You probably can't go wrong, whatever you decide. That being said, I'm particularly drawn to those lime green/chartreuse colored squares in the second and third rows. I also agree that orange would be really nice too, or a clear bright blue.
How about all the colors? Scraps of lots of things would continue your theme.
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