A number of people have shared with me that they're looking through their tea towel collection to make their choice for the 2014 Tea Towel Challenge.
While my own collection is only just beginning, I have narrowed down my choice to one of two: the Fairytale calendar I posted earlier and this vintage Arizona-themed tea towel.
They couldn't be much more different. Moira sent me the link to the eBay auction for this one. It is EXACTLY the kind of thing I wanted for the previous challenge on 15 Minutes of Play. I hope Moira didn't love it because as soon as I saw it, I had to have it.
I noticed a couple things when it arrived. The cloth must have been woven on a very narrow loom--there are un-hemmed selvages on both sides of the 17-inch-wide tea towel. The top and bottom edges are hemmed.
Before it arrived, I had thought about cutting out some of the motifs and appliquéing them onto my quilt, in the style of broderie perse, but the fabric is quite loosely woven from thicker threads than I expected.
The fine printing is impressive, especially given the coarse, loosely woven nature of the fabric.
Whichever tea towel I choose for the challenge, I see two tea towel-inspired quilts in my future ... unless Moira tells me that she really wanted this one ... because as much as I love it, I'm also feeling more than a bit guilty about grabbing it for myself.
I've asked everyone interested to blog and link their commitment. This is mine.
It's a great towel. Moira sent me the link, too. It will make the start of a super quilt!
I thought about bidding on it......but I knew you really wanted it. So don't feel guilty about getting it. =) I'll just keep my eyes open and see if I can ever find another one sometime.
or here's a Solomon-like solution -- cut it in half, since there are two images and both make a quilt from it! is it cotton or linen?
Sophie, i am having problems signing up for the Challenge.
It keeps wanting me to put the link on my page.....and it is there already.
never mind, as soon as i filed my complaint it worked! Sorry! LOL
I mentioned the two-way design when I posted about my collection. You could cut the towel in half. Treat the two pictures as blocks and add interesting pieced borders.
Love it! I wonder if you could lightly interface the pieces for applique. Depending on the shapes, there's even that applique technique where you sew on a facing of nonfusible interfacing, cut a slice in the back and turn, then applique down. Your edges would then be contained within the seam. But you will come up with something fabulous as always!
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