Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Measuring Progress 2-Inches at a Time

pieced border in progressHere's what 672 two inch squares look like.

I've been cutting, counting and sewing them into units that will be used to make the border blocks for my patriotic quilt. Once I stacked and counted and pronounced myself done, it didn't seem all that impressive.

I wanted to use as much of the original fabrics as I could–the center of the quilt was constructed as part of a fabric exchange and challenge–so many of the two inch squares were cut one-at-a-time ... though eventually, I ran out and added more blue from my stash, cut in long width of fabric strips.

When the border blocks are finished (and I've made something yet to be decided for the corners), they'll be added to the quilt (which now has it's setting triangles attached) and I will finish up the appliqué by adding some leaves to my red daisies.

With Setting Triangles

Then, I  think I might be ready to quilt it ... but you never know.  Sometimes the quilts I make and I disagree about when they are "done."

I'm joining the lists for WIP Wednesdays on Esther's Blog and Freshly Pieced.  Anyone who loves appliqué or historic reproduction quilts should be sure to check out what Esther is working on for her next BOM.  It's stunning.

This is also my mid-month check-in post for a Lovely Year of Finishes.


Wendy said...

this is going to be a very lovely quilt when finished.

Julierose said...

Yikes! 672 of ANYthing is a whole lotta cutting!! I hope you have a fabric cutting machine. I LOVE my "La Machinista"--it is just a Go! Baby, but that it does!! "Go", I mean (LOL) I love the way this quilt is coming together! Your colors are super...

jjthor said...

That will look so good when you have the borders on it!! thats a whole lot of small cuttitng!!!

Sandy said...

What an amazing job you've done! I love sewing but have never been able to master patch work!

Gail in Vegas said...

I didn't get that the stem would be winding around the center portion of the quilt and love it! What a clever idea. Good job!

Bunny said...

Beautiful quilt and wow on the borders .

Anita said...

This one is already lovely, and it wiil be fantastic when it is finished!

Linda in Arkansas said...

Wow!! (I don't think I can say anything more!)

Anonymous said...

It's looking so wonderful. Your border is going to be fabulous.

Leigh Anne said...

It looks beautiful! Interestingly, my June project includes lots of 2" squares as well :)

Quilter Kathy said...

It looks fantastic! You are making such great progress!

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