I shared this work-in-progress photo on the Block Lotto earlier this week as an example of how sometimes, in life and quilting, we just have to trust the pattern (or path), suspend disbelief and carry on.
At this point, I had sewn together about three-quarters of the 64 "petals" and background pieces that will form the outer edge of the circle of my next sunflower block.

When the ring was complete, I added the slivers of green fabric that fit between each of the 32 petals. It felt like I was bringing order to the chaos ... but there was still no guarantee that when I was done, everything will fit, the block will lay nice and flat and the center of my sunflower will fit.
I think it helped that I started with a full-sized drawing. I could see the exact size of those green slivers and decide they were do-able ... though whether *I* can stitch them accurately enough to have success with this block remained to be seen.
What seems a pretty simple pattern turns out to have 98 pieces–not counting the background frame that will be added if/when I successfully pieced this block. Stay Tuned.

I'm linking to the
WIP Wednesday party at Freshly Pieced and Esther's
WOW (WIPS on Wednesday).
beautiful!!! Wow!!!
I agree! This is beautiful! We should all challenge ourselves once in a while. Good luck!
Is it hand pieced? Can't wait to see it finished! It will be lovely and intricate.
Zowie!!! That is going to be fantastic!!!
You are MAD woman! That is intense. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
I think you are doing a fantastic job. The flower is already coming together nicely. Two thumbs up!!
Wow! I'm interested in seeing this come together...Impressive!
Wow, that is really going to pop when it is complete! Isn't it interesting how much we do is in faith sometimes?
Oh my! It looks amazing! The pieces are so tiny. How bit will the finished flower be?
It is truly beautiful. I would go to QuiltCon with you if you brought me one of these! LOL
For the no-reply bloggers to whom I couldn't reply ... it is hand pieced and will be a circle measuring 14 inches across when it's done.
What a challenge! But it is crazy beautiful. I love it.
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