Monday, May 20, 2013

Star Flower Tea Cozy - Done (but far from Perfect)

Teapot and cozy - close up My first English Paper Piecing project is finished--a tea cozy made using Regina's Starflower templates.

As I was was stitching down the binding around the bottom, It struck me how much the shape looks like nothing so much as a quilty ski hat (I even slid it onto my head last night ... and no, I did not take a photo)   The shape was actually inspired by this little tea pot and it's upright bamboo handle.

I'm not especially happy with the free motion quilting in the blue background–I probably should have stopped and waiting until I was better rested, but I was motivated to finish it last night.  I'm hoping that after it has been washed and dried, the crinkles will hide some of those imperfections.  Here it is, covering the tea pot, from both sides

  Tea Cozy - one side  Tea Cozy - the other side

Teapot and Star Flower Cozy
And one last look of the pot that inspired the project.   

The next time I feel like making a little pot of tea and heading up to the den for some TV and hand-stitching, I'm ready. 

I made one more flower.  I'm thinking of using some of the dark blue scraps with the flower for a mug rug.  


BillieBee (billiemick) said...


You are sooo fast and I just love your tea cozy. Don't forget to link up on Friday with me or Angie.


Paulette said...

It looks great to me! Those flowers sparkle and I like the quilting a lot. You sure you don't want to take a picture wearing it as a hat, c'mon! ;) Too bad we don't live close, I'd pop over for a cup.

Quilty Conscience said...

It looks perfect to me! We can be so critical of ourselves. I love the project, tea cozy, the EPP and the colors. Good job! Toni

Dar said...

I love your tea cozy. One of these days I'd love to make one for one of my many tea pots. Since I collect tea pots, you'd think I'd already have one - but don't. Your's looks so cheery too. Nice job.

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said...

It's a beautiful tea cozy and lovely teapot too.

Terri said...

That turned out great Sophie! Love it!

Terri Coty

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful, and I love the swirly quilting you did. You should have left off the part of the title about it not being perfect. =) It's gorgeous! Who cares about perfect.

Carrie P. said...

that is so great!

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