First, because it's (almost)
WIP Wednesday and two of the three questions I have for you are about this piece, here's what happened with my scrap bag challenge.

To refresh your memory, some local friends and I exchanged quart-size zip lock bags filled with fabric scraps.
The challenge was to use all the fabrics we received and make a little quilt.
It's OK to add your own fabrics, but you must use everything you find in the ziplock bag.
Here's a better look at the fabrics I had to include:
And now for my three questions for you:
Do you see what I see?
- This was one of those projects that took on a life of it's own and ended up being something completely different that I first imagined it. An idea took hold and I ran with it and now I wonder if I made my intent clear. My question for you is, what do you see in this design?
- Does it need borders? If so, how wide and what color? Keep in mind that it was made primarily from someone else's scraps, with some of mine added, so I don't have any more of any of the fabrics. The pieced top currently measures 26 by 37 inches. It will be a wall hanging, or possibly be used as a table mat.
What three words describe your quilts?
- As I was playing with these scraps, I started thinking about how you think the challenge is to use all the fabrics, but you find that it's also about how do you make a quilt from fabrics not chosen by you, in combinations you might never choose to combine and have it turn out looking like a "you" quilt. That led me to think about what makes it feel like me and I came up with these three words that often apply to the quilts I design and make: scrappy, organic and color-saturated. What three words do you think describe your quilting style?
I'd love to read your answers to one, two or all of these questions in the comments.
Because it's already Wednesday in Australia, I'm linking with Ester's
WOW (WIPs on Wednesday). Be sure to click over–she has quite a WOW to share today.
Updated Sep 29 to this improvisational effort still in progress with