Thursday, January 08, 2009

We're Moving On Up

Yesterday I signed the lease and moved into the new apartment–a loft in downtown Dallas. The cats, Grace Hopper and Johnny Be Good, were very vocal upon their arrival–I wondered if it was the live acoustics–as they checked things out.

The cats arrive at the new loft

The new space is less than half the size of the townhouse we left behind in Michigan . . . but it compensates with high ceilings and lots of windows and light.

Lots of windows

When Grace ducked behind the fridge, I decided that I would settle them into the bathroom before the movers arrived.

Grace behind the Fridge

When I returned with the movers, I discovered that she and her brother had opened one of the drawers and found a way to hide behind it--both of them . . . then they pushed the drawer open so far they couldn't get out. Poor kitties.

But today it was just us. I unpacked. They watched: Johnny, from various perches, when he wasn't underfoot demanding attention. Here he is, atop the fridge . . . something, he never did in Michigan.

Johnny, hanging out

And Grace–can you see her? She's in her new favorite safe place, on top of the very tall kitchen cabinets, napping. She spent almost all day there. From her high corner, she can see everything and feel very safe.

Can you see Grace Hopper on on top of the tall cabinets?

In other news today, I was reminded what happens when you drop almost anything on a concrete floor. It breaks. Even the most indestructable things . . . like this heavy glass Osterizer blender container.

What happens when you drop anything on a concrete floor

I know it's an oldie but goodie, but I really LIKED this blender . . .


Debra Dixon said...

I think you can get container replacements. It might be worth a look.

Nice digs! One of Brent & Laura's friends rented a loft for a photo studio and I was green with envy!

Sheri said...

Love lofts.The cats are going to love the big windows. I know I would.

Christine Thresh said...

Oh, a loft. How exciting. The cats will need tall things to climb on. If they are up in the air that will make up for the smaller square footage.

AmyB said...

Gracie did exactly what George did when we moved here! He spent hours there that day... then my mom put a bunch of stuff on top the fridge so he couldn't use it as a step, and that was the end of that nonsense ;)

The Calico Cat said...

That place looks so cool! BTW My cats used to find their way "up there" but they have grown out of that spot. :o)

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