Judging from the stack of quilt tops around here, you might think the same is true of me . . . but it isn't, not really. However, I often fear that the quilting design that's probably been in my head since I started putting the blocks together either won't be as wonderful as I imagine it or (more likely) that my lack of skill will prevent me from realizing the design. And that fear, while not an actual quilt making step, is often a big hurdle for me when it comes to turning works-in-progress to finished quilts.
I'm working on the doll quilt in the photo. I feared that the diagonal quilting through the chains would reveal that all those 1/2 inch squares aren't exactly perfect . . . which it does if you look close. And now, I'm facing my fears about the 17 two inch feather wreaths which seemed like the right quilting design for those open spaces . . . with mixed results.
I know I could send out my quilt tops to one of the many talented long-armers, but the artist in me wants to control that design element of my quilts. So here I am, facing my fear and doing it anyway . . . knowing that not doing so holds me back from finishing my quilts.
Does anything hold you back from finishing yours?
I sew on a little Janome and every time I've tried to machine quilt, it's been disastrous. There is only 6 1/2 inches of work area on my machine, so anything larger than a table topper is impossible to quilt. And, I LOVE hand quilting and I'm doing that slowly....it just takes time.
I'm just like you, Sophie, in that I 'must' do my own quilting. I often use my walking foot, but I'm trying to get better at free-motion. I'm hoping to one day get a machine with a larger area.
Unfortunately, no one gets better without practice and the only way to get practice is to do the quilting. It's a catch 22!
and I have noticed that all the service quilts I did last year helped me loosen up and go for it!
as a hand quilter it takes a lot of time to get my quilts quilted and I always have a short stack of quilts waiting in line, but nothing keeps me from eventually getting them quilted.
Debra, I agree that practice, practice, practice not only builds skills, it builds confidence. Work and health issues have robbed me of the time and energy in recent years ... and it's just been easier to donate charity tops to generous long-armers than quilt them (or feel guilty because I was too sick or too busy to finish them myself.)
Maybe this year, life will sort itself out differently and I'll be able to quilt more ;-)
very, very nice - - -
Thanks, Rho, I think it could be quite nice when it's done . . . I hope to bind it tonight while I watch TV.
Your post is just why I think that I am paralyzed on actually quilting things. It doesn't help that I've never done any machine quilting, and that my hand quilting can be charitably described as "slow".
I have real trouble figuring out quilting designs; either my ideas are waay too complex for my skill level and/or the quilt they are to go on, or nothing I come up with sounds even remotely appealing.
Time...mostly its just enough time to get all the stuff I want to do done...I do finish almost everything eventually..I think I will even finish the 'mistake' quilt (it was the first one I designed..and only my second quilt..horrid!!) eventually!
Part I like the least about the quilting process is cutting, though I have gotten more fearless with it lately..but..gotta have my Martelli cutter and the June Tailor ShapeCut..
Part I like most is the last 18 inches or so of hand sewing the binding..at that point, its ALMOST a completed quilt..and I just love doing that last chunk down to the finish line...
I like your chains..One of the wedding quilts I have on my list will be an Irish Chain...I am going to quilt shamrocks in the big open area...
Hi Sophie, I've succumbed to temptation & emailed you at the Gmail address on the Blog Lotto guidelines re joining you for this month, as I've printed up some WOW in the same med. weight quilting cotton as my self dyed - as I didn't have any.... So in a day or so (once it's cured) I'll be able to make the blocks.
Can you let me know if you don't get it & which address I should be using. Thanks
Goblinf/ Lois
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