Saturday, June 20, 2015

More Up-cycling on Quilts

Chris Arnold, who made the Buffalo quilt I posted yesterday, had two other quilts at Fiber Arts Fiesta.

Smile, a portrait of Sitting Bull, was in the large pictorial quilt category.

Smile by Chris Arnold

Smile by Chris Arnold - DetailI love portraits made from printed fabric and thought this one was pretty wonderful.

Chris' third quilt in the show was in the category for large, innovative pieced or appliquéd quilts.

It is Star. The description says that the 4-point star was improved and the background is a Buddhist tapestry.

Star by Chris Arnold


Glen QuiltSwissy said...


Anonymous said...

Those are really unusual. They definitely fall into the category of art quilts. Maybe not as appreciated in this particular show as in some others, but a wonder to see. I expect those would bring really good prices in San Francisco or New York.

Terri said...

I, too, love the portraits with prints. This one is exceptional. Thanks for sharing it.

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